NoktaParaNTEZ #6431


To the stars through dIffIcultIes

Team NoktaParantez was founded as a subdivision of our school's computer science and robotics club, HisarCS, which was established in 2010 but joined FIRST in 2017. Our aim is to carry on the club's past experiences from national and international competitions, fairs, and events and to participate at the FIRST Robotics Competition.

Team NoktaParantez consists of a total of 17 dedicated and passionate high school students and 4 mentor teachers from Hisar School located in Istanbul, Turkey.

Our first and foremost mission and vision is to dedicate ourselves to the path of learning, experiencing the STEAM and entrepreneurship fields while sharing our increasing knowledge on these topics with others to create a more equal and auspicious future for generations to come.

Our team also aspires to assist the creation of an equal platform for men and women in technology and engineering fields. We believe that a crucial step on our way to achieve this goal is to participate in the First Robotics Competition.

2019 chaIrman's Award vIdeo: