
Our sponsors are part of the NoktaParantez family and we update them throughout our process.

We keep in touch with our sponsors after the season to continue working together in the following season. We invite our sponsors to our school to see us in action and organize bonding activities with them.

Also, our teammate's parents donated a CNC machine. And one of our sponsor donated 20.000$ of FabLab tools. Our school's PTA donated a laser cutter and we plan on sharing the resources with other teams.

NoktaParantez Sponsorship Web Version

2019-2020 Sponsors

We're waiting for our new sponsors for this season! If you would want to join our NoktaParantez community, you can contact us from tnp6431@gmail.com.

2018-2019 Sponsors

2017-2018 Sponsors

2016-2017 Sponsors