Team Members

When welcoming new members to our team, we don't search for specific qualities in students. Our team is open to all students who want to improve their knowledge on a variety of topics, learn how to work as a team, and experience every aspect of creating a new product and marketing. However, for the 202 Season, when adding new participants to the team, participants's responses to a Google Form were considered. The form included questions about the interest in FRC, the responsibilities and the missions of a team member and the participant's experience in the previous years. The training of the team members is determined by themselves and their mentors. We believe that all of these processes are necessary to create assisting students and members who contribute to our team.

In our CS department, there are plenty of different projects, competitions and events that are being organized. If someone wants to improve themselves in the fields of CS, STEM, entrepreneurship or design, they are always welcomed to ideaLab to participate in different activities.

Teachers Mentors

Dilara Vardar, Sedat Yalçın, Sezin Fins

Student mentors

Arda Eren, Atahan Beyhan, Can Oğuz, Kayra Gedik


Arda Özkürt, İsmail Servan Sevik, Poyraz Canbek, Nil Çınarlı, Ahmet Burhan Baş

BusIness & EntrepreneurshIp

Defne Şulen, Damla Çaycı, Aylin Aksaray, Mia Bahar


Barın Tun